Command line reference
Main command
Core commands
A minimal set of commands that cover essential functionality. Core commands receive special scrutiny with regard API composition and (breaking) changes.
Local operation
Distributed operation
Extended set of functionality
Dataset operations
- datalad add-readme: Add information on DataLad dataset to a README
- datalad addurls: Update dataset content from a list of URLs
- datalad copy-file: Copy file identity and availability from one dataset to another
- datalad drop: Drop datasets or dataset components
- datalad get: Obtain any dataset content
- datalad install: Install a dataset from a (remote) source
- datalad no-annex: Configure a dataset to never put file content into an annex
- datalad remove: Unlink components from a dataset
- datalad subdatasets: Query and manipulate subdataset records of a dataset
- datalad unlock: Make dataset file content editable
Dataset siblings and 3rd-party platform support
- datalad siblings: Query and manipulate sibling configuration of a dataset
- datalad create-sibling: Create a sibling on an SSH-accessible machine
- datalad create-sibling-github: Create a sibling on GitHub
- datalad create-sibling-gitlab: Create a sibling on GitLab
- datalad create-sibling-gogs: Create a sibling on GOGS
- datalad create-sibling-gitea: Create a sibling on Gitea
- datalad create-sibling-gin: Create a sibling on GIN (with content hosting)
- datalad create-sibling-ria: Create a sibling in a RIA store
- datalad export-archive: Export dataset content as a TAR/ZIP archive
- datalad export-archive-ora: Export a local dataset annex for the ORA remote
- datalad export-to-figshare: Export dataset content as a ZIP archive to figshare
- datalad update: Obtain and incorporate updates from dataset siblings
Reproducible execution
Extending the functionality of the core run
Helpers and support utilities
- datalad add-archive-content: Extract and add the content of an archive to a dataset
- datalad clean: Remove temporary left-overs of DataLad operations
- datalad check-dates: Scan a dataset for dates and timestamps
- datalad configuration: Get and set configuration
- datalad create-test-dataset: Test helper
- datalad download-url: Download helper with support for DataLad's credential system
- datalad foreach-dataset: Run a command or Python code on the dataset and/or each of its sub-datasets
- datalad sshrun: Remote command execution using DataLad's connection management
- datalad shell-completion: Helper to support command completion
- datalad wtf: Report on a DataLad installation and its configuration